Issue 6 of The Sinder Chronicle is here! (Vol.3)

One again, the Sinder Chronicle has released an issue! I apologize for not informing you, the people, on these new releases but fear not! We haven’t been silent! Far from it. Not a month has been forgotten! If by chance you haven’t read a page since the last post on the board, then head inside the Sinder Chronicle Office to look back at every article that’s been released. I’ll be sure to post more notices of new editions as they come out. Now, onto what’s inside this month’s issue…

  • A secret! Somewhere in the pages is a secret waiting to be found! The first person to find this secret will get a special prize! No hints… (All who find it after the first will get a shoutout in next month’s paper!)

  • A new Spotlight, this time focused on the all-familiar Cinnabar Prism Apartments.

  • And more!

Take a peek at this content-filled edition! We hope you enjoy! Maybe you will be the first to find the secrets within the pages?


To clean up the lanterns, send a mail to either Government of Salagalu or Asuka Okuyama so it can be collected. We apologize for the oversight.