Invitation to the New Years Party!

A poster is seen on the wall. The background image shows the skyline of Kamatumbua with fireworks being set off in the background.

Celebrate the new years party with us on
December 31, 2023 @ 11 PM EST
Venue: 10 P.M. (rooftop bar), Kamatumbua, Salagalu

Below the poster are flyers and a map. Upon opening the map, it tells you where to go.
Sinder Train Station -> Salagalu Metro Station -> Outside -> Taxi -> Kamatumbua -> rooftop bar
No special taxis will be deployed for the event.

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The event may change on short notice.

I’ll definitely try to come :3

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The party has started!

The party has ended, even though it should’ve ended yesterday.

On a side note, after lessons were learned from the last two events, I will try to make sure the event is readily available for everyone to come on time. This next one will be a bit of a fun one, more like an experience your character will have.

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