I have a idea

So if seen some places, been in locations and travelled the roads. on this trip i have noticed 2 things.
1 there is really no actual incentive to go out of sinder and explore. and i have observed this for many months now. with new players barely if ever arriving in places friends of mine ether own or i frequently visit. causing other wise interesting and large areas to become ghost towns of sort, if you dont count the 3-4 ppl who live in set locations.
A possible road sign to the east west and north past the forest, might help improve this.

2 so far over the almost year i have now been on wolfery almost every day or so. there have been only 4 locations been added to the teleport menu. i dont know the specifics of why or what the process of qualification for such a teleport is. But i would think places such as the Sacred Valley, Scalvania, Nox, Umber point, ect. all places which are hard to otherwise reach, or even know that they exist. (even the southern island i didnt know of until i was invited to go visit it.) Do not have a teleport, and are thus barely if ever populated. not to mention visible on the over all map.
Mind you i am not writing a critic, far from it. i mearly went on this morning and saw ā€œoh nice 76 ppl onlineā€ then i went to Sinder so i could see the map. And were (at the time) 26 ppl on the over all map. so 50 ppl are just. . . somewhere? i know private locations exist, but would it not give a further intensive for more players to stay and role-play, if they knew where the majority of the ppl where? and i will say, i love Sinder as a small town. but its the only place anyone ever hangs out in. so they are missing the entire rest of the world that many have worked hard to make and get approved.

So this post is titled ā€œi have a ideaā€ which i have already kinda alluded to.
1 a sign here or there in a road or such, would likely tell players more of where they are heading. and what to expect. not to mention it would prevent folks from getting lost.

2 (this might take longer, as idk how many large citys there are or such) a Teleport in the main teleport menu for a Large say 20 or more rooms location, would definitely help with ppl beeing
able to meet up at a location for their kinda rp without haveing to be summoned. (or again point 1 help in some way to find it.)

i wish for a better more connected world if possible since it at times is hard to find rps no matter how well i know the map. ^^


I see a lot of complaints about this, why notā€¦ just go to the park to meet and mingle? Itā€™s kinda the designated spot for that. For people hanging out in far off spotsā€¦ I figure they donā€™t want to mingle? If Sinder feels ghost town it is cause there are a lot ofā€¦ ghost town locations with 20+ rooms that couldnā€™t possibly be filled unless the server had thousands of users.


if its a topic often talked about, i dont think the solution is ā€œgo to the place thats populated 24/7ā€ since thats clearly is not working, if its still a issue. ^^


There must be better ideas than that. for example, whenever the opportunity is offered to me, I would do various events depending on the situation and from what I know after my first attempt is that it will drag a lot of people out the main town. :>

If we wanted to generally fill wolfery with a lot more people than expected then each user on their own would have to resort to more advertising (although possibly bringing more problems, Specifically more minors than expected.)

And something that I also see quite appropriate is to add more default locations in the locations panel, having only Doā€™nezo, the construction academy and sinder, New people would have a hard time trying to find more places if they are not as confident to talk or ask.

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Signage is not gonna help new players wanna join your theme specific area. Youā€™re gonna have to do outreach. Events, mingling. Talking. Be a part of the community.


your not wrong, beeing part of the community helps a lot. but from a new player perspective. you just got into this town and to your knowledge before even rping, all you know is ā€œtheres sinder. . . the forest and a beach.ā€ cause tahts what you see. how would you know that theres stuff to the east west north? Consider someone might not want to rp immediately, i have seen So many shy newcomers. its not as easy as ā€œtalk to ppl and find outā€ i sure as heck wasnt that open on my first day.


I disagree because players that want to explore the area would get great use out of them. Seeing places in the world population menus and having the map zoom to the same place because a marker doesnā€™t exists makes people question how to get anywhere.

Plus road signs are a basic form of communication for directions. By your logic having signs on a highway is pointless. Giving players a means to know which direction to go would not only help with immersion, but would make the areas more accessible.

Obviously the easier solution is to just have a means of making the requirements of an area teleport listing known so that people have an actual goal to work towards, as itā€™s a recurring problem for this site at this time. There is very little rewards to work towards, and ZERO incentive to contribute.


agreed, rn there are far to many places that exist. (and we realy dont need more, atleast until this issue is adressed and worked on) and considering you would not know how to get to another town, not to mention even know that town exist without a road sign. haveing them will help greatly. HECK there IS 1 road sign already, the forest has only one i have ever seen on wolfery, on its image. but thats the only one and also quite old and less informative by todays times.

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There certainly does need a better form of communication between the player and the world when it comes to where everything actually is in the world. While how this needs to be applied to always going to be up for debate there is one major factor within it all.

This is of course that there are plenty of characters, but nearly enough players to where most locations can be viewed and rped in. As you know within one account you can make five characters, so of course people are going to take that opportunity for when they have a fun or interesting character idea to play out. However, throughout the day the online list normally hovers around the 90-115 mark, though this is a generalization. Though groups of those characters are characters under one person. (This can be viewed by some people having ā€˜altā€™ characters.)

Main thing I am trying to get at with this is that there is not yet a sufficient amount of people ā€˜playing that gameā€™ (though I donā€™t usually see this as a ā€˜gameā€™ per say.) For if everything was populated it would be spread thin, reason why the park is the normal hub for people to chat and mingle. If there was more advertising we would be able to get more actual players involved with the site.


That gave me an aura of goodā€¦ And a bad idea, good because, hey, more players right? And bad because this will result in the arrival of more possible minors i guess
For my part, being a constant user of E6 (that blue page >>) it took me several restarts of the page to get a single ad from wolfery, and you are correct, there is very little advertising. Too bad that acci is bad in marketing as he said once lol

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i dont think he meant adds for wolfery, it sounded more like ā€œthis way to Scalvaniaā€ or the like kinda Advertisement, in the rp world. ^^
seeing as thats mainly the topic atm.

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No no, I did mean ads for Wolfery, sorry if it is easy to misunderstand what I meant, still sick and woke up maybe an hour ago


oh, ok nvm then. ^^ my mistake.

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Well both would be great, but in the meantime I think there just needs to be a lot more things streamlined and made clear so that it is more accessible to both new and old players alike.

I spent over a MONTH developing Scalevania and Castle Drakemoor only for the region to be a ghost town because it was slapped in the middle of nowhere which is what I wanted to avoid for this exact reason but sadly didnā€™t have a choice in the matter.


yea i can feel that, i know my friend Regen made the ocean. and i hear it is barely visited at times. even though its literally right next to the beach.

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Well, that can be said for every new area. I developed quite a while on Seziban as well (1 month+), it even got a public white teleport and what are my observations of that? Having a white teleport doesnā€™t do jack for it to get more frequently visited as most donā€™t even use the teleport list in the first place.

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Erm, the only southern island that I know is Cascade Island.

Back on topic, I just donā€™t think itā€™ll work in my opinion. Back when I was mapping the entire area prior to Bocca Della veritĆ  being linked, there were a total of 19 builds, a couple of which has less than 20 rooms. In addition, Iā€™m fine with helping people get to where they need to go (except for off-grid builds) by providing directions and offering to take them to the area.


The issue Iā€™ve noticed is that right now, it is insanely difficult to actually LEAVE Sinder.

I cannot even find the way to get to other areas like the Sacred Valley.

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If you go to the library (the directions are spelled oit in the park I believe), thereā€™s a cartography shop with maps, including a detailed map of Sinder.

Exploration is actually fun!

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To trivialize it quite a bit.
Go to the train, ferry, trixen, forest->wilderness or over the bridge. These are all the possible ways to other major areas right now. Some are quite hidden like Nox or a subarea like Umber.