I cant find the rp area

i need help finding the rp area as i cant finding the area

All the areas are effectively RP areas, what are you looking for in particular?

then this place is very dif from the last time i was here, you got any suggestions?

The Sinder park is always a good spot if you’re unsure. teleport sinder and go south!

is it in groups? im extremely confused

Supposedly, if you got wolfery.com opened and a character awake, you just type teleport sinder and go south in the command input panel at the bottom. Are we talking about the same thing?

i think i need to verify, but i didnt get a email

Are you absolutely sure you’re not confusing wolfery with anything else?

Yeah, looked in all emails, straight up didn’t get a email

I’ve just looked in spam and no it’s not there either

I’ve tried alternate emails and it seems Google is just being a cunt

You don’t really need an email to sign up. Or are you trying to recover your account?

I am also confused what you try to do.

But maybe these steps will help you:

  1. Go to wolfery.com
  2. If you see a blue “Go to login” button, click it. Otherwise, go to step 5.
  3. Since you used Google to register, click the “Signin with Google” button:
  4. Follow Googles authentication procedure. Once done, you will be redirected back to Wolfery.
  5. Click on the desired character in the Character Select panel, and click “Wake up”:
  6. You are now controlling a character, and can type in commands in the console at the bottom. To meet people, type the commands Shinyuu suggested:
    teleport sinder
    go south
  7. You are now in Station Park. Here you always can find others to interact with.