Help Create Art and Descriptions for The Cinnabar Prism

Calling all background artists, room designers, and description writers. If you want to help make the common rooms of the Cinnabar Prism complex more lively, I’d love to receive help with the art and descriptions of the various rooms on the first floor.

Have an idea for a better room description (especially on the rooms with fairly sparse descriptions)? Please post your ideas and revisions here.

Have an idea for, or a new drawing for one of the rooms? Post those here as well.

Have an idea on what to add in the extra space on the left side of the building? Suggestions always welcome.

Have an idea for a seasonal change to the décor? Let me know, I’m keeping a list.

I’d love to get more of the Wolfery community involved with the Prism, as I personally believe it’ll be a better space all around if those that want to use it have some sense of connection to it, be it through residency or helping flesh out the common areas.

Again, any and all suggestions and arts are welcome, feel free to reply.

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Get a description rolling, and I may smack something together in Unreal for a rendered shot or two.

That’d be so awesome!

I actually have a basic sketchup of the floorplan I made whilst bored one time :sweat_smile: if that would be a helpful start.
I also have an archive of the current descriptions on a google sheet that I’ll try to keep up to date as changes and seasonal alternates are implemented.

Pass it over, I’ll see what can be nailed together for a mockup at least.

Awesome! Hopefully an stl will work, as that’s one of the few free file formats I can export to :sweat_smile: Cinnabar Prism Apartments.7z (25.6 KB)

And as for the current descriptions that are in Wolfery now here is the drive link.

Meshlab’ll eat it, no worries. I’ll see what I come up with for some basics.