Halloween is around the corner!

The park is spooky again! Do you like to do anything to your characters for Halloween, such as giving them descriptions where they’re wearing costumes or drawing costumed art for them? Post your Halloween-themed stuff here!

Last year my character Bruno was an astronaut. I’m not sure what I’ll do with him this year. Please accept my horrible MS Paint drawing of Bruno in space, looking for the ‘Eye of the Universe’.



Still better art than I could ever hope to do-

The synth done did just threw a pumpkin on his head again

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I’ll usually give Volca a costume for spooky season. In past years, he’s dressed as Achewood’s Ray Smuckles as The Godfather of Souls and as Severian from Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun (seen below, art by @Strolik ). I’m not sure what I’ll do this year!


Updated with my own offering for this year: Bruno as Dynamo from Deadlock (he made his costume himself).


A spiffy costume indeed! Good work, Bru-N0!