Grand Opening of Eisenhorn

Good day lovely people of the Rift!

We would like to invite all to join us for the opening of our grand city kingdom, Eisenhorn! We have many shops and amenities to explore! We hope to expand even further with your help.

To get there, simply head south from Station Park to the trains platforms, take platform two to the grey line, and you will find a ride to take you to our humble kingdom.

We wish you all a merry time on your adventures!

With open arms we welcome you,

The Pack of Eisen


The city is so big! It takes a lot to explore~

I noticed all the pictures have some strange colored filters on them! It gives the whole city a vibe of “there’s something in the air” and its kind of surreal and cute!

Is that why they’re like that?

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100% there’s something in the air. You don’t know exactly what it is, but it smells great :smiley: