I guess it’s already in there somehow given there are blue tags that only a handful people (or just acci?) can hand out, but it’d be nice if some users got an ability to control some specific tags’ assignment too. I’m thinking in a context of a rudimentary ‘public inventory’ system that’d e.g. allow specifically tagged people through to some places to allow for more guided RP scenarios. What I had in mind is I wanted to make the vineyards part of the public map but only allow people through in on ‘official’ tours. Of course there’s a way to do that with bots that’ll collect the guests at the gate and teleport them over but it’d be much nicer if the guests had a daily pass tag instead.
There’s already been a discussion started on this, but it’s not out in this public forum, so this is good!
Blue tags are a little “special” in that they denote actual roles that are coded into Mucklet. We’ve noted the potential for other tag types for recognition or even user use, and that’s in the plan I believe. I’ll let Acci add if there’s anything more.