[Feature] Teleporting back to instance rooms

A random thought that occurred in my head is being able to teleport back to an instance room you either created or joined. Like how Vrchat does their instances where you can select an instance and teleport back to it or at least re-enter it. I know the idea kind of sounds useless but it could help in situations where you’re afking with someone and need to leave to handle something but the other person is away, doing something irl or asleep, you can’t rejoin that instance till they come back to summon you or join you.

This feature could also extend to room owners if people think that’d be useful, perhaps someone who shouldn’t be there is hiding in a instance room, like a foxhole example would be an underaged character was summoned into the foxhole by someone and the owner needs to kick them out. Perhaps the instance rooms could show up for the room owner like the transparent exits, like seeing little icons of who’s in the instance rooms.

I don’t know, just a dumb little idea I thought could at the very least be brought up~

Please, no. This would break all sense of privacy that instances currently provide. For next to no benefit.

If you wish to return to an instanced room, you simply need to have someone still in it invite you. If you do not know anyone in the instanced room, then there is no need to return.


The difficulty here would probably be, from a technical standpoint:
#1 The realm needs to now keep track of not only where you are, but where you just were. It would have to limit itself at one ‘undo/rewind’ or there’d be a lot of overhead.
#2 What if you got told to leave by someone who wanted you gone from the room? Or forcefully ejected from the room, and used this command to return?
#3 Are there ways to have this apply only to instance rooms, or would this feature be for all rooms?

I think #1 is the biggest technical issue, and not being the system programmer I can;t asnswer as to how much it would be.

Already planned to drop this idea but might as well reply with a few thoughts

For 1: That would probably have to require wolfery storing logs not via browser Cache but as a server thing so yeah, that’d probably be the biggest problem unless Acci moves logs to Server based storage which could be a privacy concern.

#2: Perhaps it could be like a self regulated Instance room, the owner can allow specific characters to enter the room and everyone else will not be able to join. Meaning if the owner kicks someone, they can just delete the character from the access list.

#3: I think this would probably be best for only instance rooms, if it were to extend to all rooms, I could definitely see that as a problem when it comes to private based rooms like someone brute forcing their way into a house or being summoned by a friend and being able to repeatedly teleport back.

In all fairness, I could see how this feature could be an issue privacy wise if the instance rooms aren’t upgraded as well to block some people from entering it. Even if the main idea it’s self doesn’t go through, It’d still be interesting if the instance rooms in general got an update.

Just to clarify any confusion about this; No Communication is stored on the server longer than 24 hours (for resynchronization reasons). However, the server tracks and stores character movements.
I know where you’ve been :wink: … I just don’t know what you did there.

However, that location data is currently not in a nicely indexed structure fitting this feature.

But while I don’t think this feature request is worth the coding effort right now in comparison to the value it brings, I think it might be in the future, when instances may also have different state than the original room - like if you script an “escape room” place, and the room changes description based upon your progress. Then we might want to be able to return to certain instances.

So, I’ll surely keep the suggestion in mind!

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