[Feature] Tag system

I am currently working on a Tag system.


Tags are simple searchable keywords (may contain space) that can be added to a character. They can be about things like role play style preferences (public roleplay), sexual preferences (male-biased), timezone preferences (gmt timezone), or similar filterable properties.

Each tag may have a description, to clarify its meaning. An admin can create predefined tags ready to be added, but it is also possible to define custom tags for a character.

Tag preference

Each tag can be added with a preference. The initial implementation will allow two preference levels:

  • Like
  • Dislike

Showing tags

Tags are a complement to the About free text information, and will be displayed under the About section in the Character Info panel. It will also be possible to access a character’s About and Tag information from the Awake list.

Tags are sorted by tag preference (first the like, then dislike), then by custom tags first, and then sorted alphabetically.
Hovering over a tag will display the tag description, if available. Tags set as Dislike will be color coded with an orange warning color. Custom tags will have a visual ‘custom’ indicator.

Filtering by tags

The Awake list and In Room list will get a filter field where you can type in a filter string. The list will then show only characters matching the filter by either name, gender, species, or tags.

Editing tags

Adding predefined tags and creating custom ones will be done under the Edit Character page, below the About section. It will also be possible through the console commands:

add tag public roleplay:dislike, male-biased, gmt timezone
remove tag female-biased, cet timezone
create tag confused = Is always in a state of confusion.

I think that is the gist of it.
Any thoughts?


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Looks pretty good to me so far! I know most tag systems use more granular levels of preference, like “Love, Like, Dislike, Hate” or “Always, Preferred, Maybe, Unlikely, Never”. Do you think it would be possible to add custom levels of preference, too?

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I asked the question about granularity in the game once, and the few there leaned towards fewer levels. Maybe I should do a poll! :slight_smile:

But I am building it in a way that it is not difficult (for me) to add more levels of preference, if we feel 2 is not enough. It is easier to add a few than to remove them.

Custom levels? That is a bit trickier. Mostly because the levels has a semantic meaning that affects 1. sorting, 2. color coding, and 3. filtering behavior (searching for male-biased, you don’t get to see those who dislike it).

This was discussed some amidst a few folk in the park and there was hemming and hawwing and consensus tended toward yes/no rather than F-list style.

I personally think getting too granular with the ‘how much’ gets overwhelming ,but that’s me.

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This is what tags looks like at the moment. The drama tag has dislike-preference, and is also a custom tag. Any ideas on how we want custom tags styled?


With custom italic:

With custom bold:

They look good to me. I assume they wrap to multiple lines?

Perhaps custom tags should be in italics if we really want them differentiated.

Good idea. I’ll try to see if it looks okay. And yes, they wrap to multiple lines. :slight_smile: