[Feature Suggestion] Preview of bold/cursive/etc

I noticed this issue already numerous times. While typing my messages on wolfery, especially as Codie, had I numerous times the issue that I didn’t closed a bold command due to a lack of visual feedback in the console.

Would it be possible to make it like it works here in the forum, to dynamically update bold/cursive/etc. while writing it?


That would be nice, I find I’m always doing *bold* rather than **bold**.

I agree. I’ve done the same issue myself.
I imagine the styling to only be previewed, eg:

say I will **NEVER** surrender!

Meaning, you will see the bold-to-be text in bold, but still see the surrounding ** characters. This will give you a clear hint on how it will be formatted.


And it should be doable with CodeMirror. A bit tricky, but nothing I can’t do… I think.

I see that Discord does the same type of preview while typing.


Since it is a client-only feature, I added it as a GitHub issue:

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That’s exactly how I would like it. The characters shouldn’t get merged into the command as sometimes you decide otherwise but they should show what they do. That would be such a great quality of life improvement.~

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