First up, hey everyone! I’m new here, so sorry if this actually IS a thing, and I’m just too blind and dumb to notice it…
I have an idea, though! What if there were a “Party” System, in which players can invite others to a group “hang-out” type of deal?
And what I mean by that, is basically allowing someone to @Party= to address not one person, but those who are IN their party?
Or… as an alternative to this, maybe expand upon the focus command, and enable an @focused= action, so that you interact with the characters you are focused on?
This sounds kind of like the multi-messaging feature that I found somewhere in the old archives:
Or at least they try to solve the same thing.
Though, I am not sure the focus command is the way to go, as that command is used in a lot of different ways for different players.
A variant on this is allowing page, whisper, mail (that last one I’d love to have) etc to take multiple people. And then have an alias for ‘last messaged group’ or something. For example page #R=Hello last group! (one alias for last message you sent, and another for last group received). If you wanted to expand it further, just creating group aliases as above, makes sense. You can keep the same commands and just give them alias support. Using @focused is probably too broad? Since I use focus to colorize conversations and add/remove people as I chat so I can find them in the park. So, I’d need to actually create a ‘focus group’ and give it a name. And of course, you don’t really want to do this without having the ability to list your focus (or focus groups).