[Feature] Strikethrough markdown?

Obviously particular markdown versions vary from site to site, but one of the Discord markdown elements I’ve really gotten to like is surrounding tildes or double-tildes for strikethrough. Any chance we could get that for Wolfery?

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Wouldn’t mind having access to strikethrough. Can’t imagine the logic would be too hard.

It’s probably easier then when I asked for subscripts and superscripts… at least strikethrough has a standard formatting.

The logic for it all in place, already. It would take 15 min to implement once decided.
Double tilde would work too. :slight_smile:

But the reason why we don’t have it yet (together with other stylings such as color, font size, quoting, or inline images) is because I don’t see how it would be used.

My main question about it is; will it help in creating more expressive RP poses, or will it rather distract from RP and make it more like a chat? And when used to express yourself in RP, what sort of expression would that be?

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It would sure make sense in the context of descriptions. Less for the actual character speech.

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Strikethrough is nice for some comedic effect in speech. We have some nice markdown already!

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I know some folks use strikethrough the same way I use subscript to whisper something under their breath.

Yeah, mostly comedic effect or to show how many bodies I’ve hidden in the clos h-how I’m backpedaling in my conversation.

We might also consider superscript and subscript since sometimes people use it for side muttering or lofted tones. Seems we already have sub/super

A fun fact: there are three closets for bodies storage in Sinder.

I’m on team --Just use subscript-- to mean sotto voce muttering. It’s a non-obvious feature that’s fun to use and delightful to see in practice. (I was taught it only a few weeks ago, by a new player!)

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I’m not sure strikethrough adds much to IC expressions range, though it can be somewhat useful for backpedalling or for anguished speech.

Fair enough. I am convinced :grin:
Especially by @Shinyuu’s argument about using it in descriptions.
But also; if used in communication, it is not very disruptive (we are not talking animated gifs here). So… no real harm!

I’ll add it. So, if I understood you correctly, we use double tilde?

:looks at the prices: _~~10wc~~, ~~5wc~~, ~~2wc~~ . Free! Just take them already._

gets us:

Accipiter looks at the prices: 10wc, 5wc, 2wc . Free! Just take them already.

Double tilde is something of a standard for this, yep.