It would be nice to be able to have the ability to have spaces in given names. I play as “Slow Hours”, but am relegated to using a hyphen in there, which is frustrating on a personal level. This is also coming up with another character in the works in an even more frustrating manner.
Putting Hours in the last name is not acceptable. The character’s name is not Slow. That is the type of thing that feels derogatory.
One suggestion was having a ‘display name’ that shows up in the output that has a looser requirement but is otherwise the same (see: Twitch allows custom capitalization). This would allow tab completion to work as it does now.
This is something I would really like added some day. The thing is that Nick is in a relationship with someone and she often refers him as “Nicky”, so I figured that Nick “Nicky” Takahashi would make sense.
Seems nice to have, but I do wonder how they’d work out distinguishing auto complete for first name vs last name fields in basically every command that discerns first from last name fields.
Certainly a technical hurdle to sort out which will likely complicate this getting resolved quickly since its tied to a variety of things.
I imagine having to type w "first name goes here" "Second name goes here" =msg is absolutely not ideal for ease of use and that’s the fastest way I can think of to isolate the first and last name fields in commands that care about it, and since first name field isn’t exclusive to a one-off use case, we do need to be able to distinguish both fields readily.
I don’t have a solution, but maybe Accipiter has some ideas on handling this.
This is very true. I think this is why I started to lean toward a display name field. Autocomplete would not change at all in that case, right? It would be a big change either way.
In this case, I would tab-complete to “Slow Hours”, as nicknames will get priority in tab completion and matching.
But… the problem arise when someone creates a character named: Name: Slow Surname: Hours
Unless I let full-name take priority over nicknames, I will not be able to target “Slow Hours”.
This can be solved by also introducing some indicator to override nicknamed. Eg.:
w Slow Hours = Hi, miss skunk! ((Matching against alias))
w "Slow Hours" = This character is owned by someone else. ((Quotes clarifies it is a full name))
I don’t like using “quotes”, but since the ambiguous conflict situations should be very few, it is nothing that you will hardly ever have to use.
Perhaps tab complete for targets ignores nicknames entirely and goes straight to official names? That avoids the problem listed. Then users could tab complete inside the actual message and it wouldn’t matter if someone had a full name the same as the nickname unless they were both in the same room and that’s got its own problems anyway.