Feature request - spoiler formatting

Hello hello!

I looked around the formatting guides and explored lots of area and character descriptions, and I found out I’d love to have some spoiler formatting!

I happen to like riddles (gasp!) and I want to make one or more rooms to organize my favorites! Spoiler formatting would be very convenient overall. I tried using collapsible sections but it gets a bit clunky given what I wanted to achieve and I can’t really nest them either

On a more day-to-day practical use of it, lots of times I’ve exchanged riddles in groups, I think being able to spoiler things in chat to hide some stuff without needing to resort to whispers and messages would be pretty handy for semi-secret information people can just optionally click to reveal~


Moving this to #bugs-and-features it’ll probably be seen better here.


I think it would be nice for public ERP where you want to be considerate for people who are just passing by. Currently (to my knowledge) the pipe character (|) has no uses in formatting so it could be a clean nice addition.

However because wolfery is textual based RP, not click based - maybe it should work as an opt-in to reveal spoilers or not with a command. Or only those from a certain character.

Hope this message helps yours get seen ^w^

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This is a feature request I must have missed when it was posted. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, @IcoTwilight!

I can see the usecases for it. And while it is a little more work than a pure style formatting (like strikethrough or so), because it requires creating clickable elements, it is still doable.

But will it be an improvement or a distraction away from RP immersion?


Personally I kinda like it as a feature for both chatting and creating rooms:

  • Chatting uses: information that is more convenient to be broadcasted but should be an opt-in regarding visibility, for example riddle or quiz answers, or maybe someone whispering something but allowing people to get closer to listen in. It still requires interaction but I think these could be fun!
  • Room descriptions: things like hiding information in a more interactive way. Personally I’d like to use this to make a riddle library in my rooms, where I separate each one in a collapsible section, but I can keep the answer hidden if the player wants to solve it on their own! I can also see it as a little fun way to make interactions like “there’s something written under the sand” and the player can click a spoilered text to reveal it like they would dust it off!

I really think it comes down to how people use it, but I’m very much in favor of it because it seems fun despite requiring another user interaction