When you accept a request it creates that exit in someone’s room outside of your control. When you make the request, you can revoke your decision there anytime, simply delete the exit. When you are the one accepting the request, you can’t do that aside from completely deleting the room and remaking it. I find this inconvenient. Similar situations could be painted for adding areas to zones, changing room owners, parent areas… People’s minds change?
Proposed Solution
Add a tab in the requests section, ‘Approved Requests’. Allow users to revoke their approved requests.
I see what you mean.
And yes, the “delete room/recreate room” does the thing, but is highly inconvenient. Also, it breaks all exists leading to the room, and not just the one you wish to target.
Since exits leading to your room may be created in many ways, not only through requests, I don’t think we should have it as part of the request system. Instead, we probably should allow the owner of a room further access to delete exits targeting owned rooms, even if they don’t own the originating room.
But I think, when doing so, we should somehow notify the room owner of the originating room. Maybe in the Request list as a pre-accepted request?
Additionally, in the Edit Exits page, we could have a section for targeting room exists, where all those exits targeting the room are listed.