Can we get an anti-looking-for-RP dot? It might cut down on needing ‘random pages’ as a disliked tag. (And people might be more inclined to pay attention to it.)
Getting random pages from people I’ve never met who apparently read enough of my tags to be interested without reading enough to realize ‘this person does not like messages out of nowhere’ is getting annoying.
I got one today from someone who had a tag saying they don’t like OOC setups, and to find them in the world if you want to RP, and I’m just… armflail Then why are you OOC paging ME?!
If I block all OOC messages, I’ll miss messages from my friends asking how I am, but still get messages from rp-seekers who don’t use OOC.
If I restrict it to characters I’m watching, I’ll miss messages from people whom I know and am friendly with but don’t watch.
Being able to add a whitelist that bypasses DND (like page #priority bypassing page #haven on mucks) is a good idea for several reasons, and I think there’s already a thread on that.
What I want is something like a red dot on the profile like how ‘looking for RP’ adds a blue dot. And it would be consistent with like/dislike colors in the tag list.
Some sort of “occupied” or “not looking to roleplay” status would be ideal to me, I don’t dislike random messages and wouldn’t want to prevent them entirely with DND, but it gets annoying repeatedly telling people I’m busy when I’m in the middle of something.
It would save both my time and the other person’s if they just knew I was busy in the first place, rather than sending me an OOC message asking if I’m available, to which I either have to stop what I’m currently writing to reply to or make them wait until I’m done.
More control over DND mode would also be nice, but not really what I’m interested in.
I think that a red/neutral/blue dot setup seems reasonable, hopefully easy to implement, and does not occupy more of a busy screen. It’s not quite a DND/haven thing, but it seems enough.
Is a dot in the upper corner more obvious than text in the lower middle of a character box? The status prefixes your species/gender… Arguably, everyone looks at that before messaging, so having a status there seems reasonably likely to get read.
This kind of sounds like you want to push the responsibility of knowing whether you can be messaged to whomever is writing the message, and I don’t think that’s going to work the way you hope it will.
No, I want to stop people from using tags as a dating service. I don’t mind if people who I’ve met and interacted with send me messages. I just want to stop people who search on fetishes, get a hit, and go ‘wanna rp’.
I really can’t figure a way to state that that will fit in the status field. Besides, status is intended to be temporary.
I suppose I could set my status to ‘antisocial asshole’ but that would probably just get different sorts of messages.
I think you’re being quite disrespectful to a pretty logical request here. “I am looking for RP” vs. “I am not” defines pretty clearly ‘who can page you’ right off the bat, and a visual marker is a good way to do this.
Please do not assume obtuseness or bad faith in requests like this.
To put my two cents in, I do feel like a “busy” or “Already in a rp” dot would be beneficial, but having people randomly message you if you want to rp shouldn’t be a bad thing. Its an erotic roleplay site that was designed for roleplays in mind.
I get messaged quite a lot by random folks and I mostly have a good time with it, making friends in the process. However, when it comes to geninue talk, i usually use Discord as that is designed to talk with friends.
However, i wouldn’t mind being critized if people say something different when i say all of this.
I tried to recommend that we have a simple stoplight status unrelated to idle time colorations next to our names, like we see on goodness knows how many other services. Look no further than almost any IM client or discord over the years.