Feature Request: Clickable names

The names of each character are highlighted on the main window:
It’d make chat easier if they could be clicked to send a direct message (an @ message) or, if they whisper/page you, use that as the easy click-to-reply option.


We do have the vertical ellipsis () menu. But I think that one is a bit too obscure.

Maybe we could get rid of that menu button, and instead turn the entire message (and not use name) to a clickable menu where we could have it?

Why I am uncertain with just having the name clickable, is that describe does not produce a clickable name to start with.

Honestly, I forgot this is a web page and not e.g. a Telnet client doing everything client side.
So yes, you could make the entire thing clickable, and add a menu for @, whisper, Focus (inc Colour picker?), report, and [Future feature goes here]? :slight_smile:

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A quick-reply button for addresses, whispers and messages would be great on mobile especially. Now it takes two taps to go through the menu, and can be a bit fiddly in a busy room. Gestures would be even more nifty.

Actually, contrary to how it may seem, I would actually love more GUI, and following set UI patterns and such. The main reason why it is like it is, is not because of wanting it to be MUCK like in the interface (but I want MUCK-like in the sense of roleplay immersion) but simply this:

Figuring out a good UI is difficult, and not my expertise, while textual commands are must easier to implement.

The big issue for me when it comes to GUI is seldom “Do we want this?” but rather “How would we want this implemented?” . And even if we have an idea of how we want to solve it (like in this case, where we could rid ourselves with the ellipsis menu and rather have a clickable name), it is then a matter of implementing it. Phew.