So, I swear my phone be blowing up when I wanna focus on other things.
On other mucks there’s a useful feature for this: page #haven that lets you set up an away message. I’d like to see this implemented? This could certainly be packaged into mute. But I really would like to see a haven <message> command that lets me set an away message for this stuff. Maybe DND (Do not disturb?)
There is currently away, as well as its away=Lunch (or whatever) message-setting variant.
It sounds like you’re requesting that, if you DM someone set as away, the game will instantly display [Character] is away [(Status message here, if set)]?
The answer to my own question is “no, not quite”, because you want the ability to be “away” but also continue to do stuff online—which away doesn’t allow, since your away flag shuts off the moment you do anything else.
So, yes, you want two things:
A “sticky away”, like dnd in various chat systems
The system should inform message-senders when you’re away/dnd, also displaying your status text, if set.
And yeah, I think this sounds like a pretty good idea!
If cell phones are the metaphor for messages/pages here then it is feels nice (and often necessary) for me to turn my phone off (not receive them) or silence it (have them turn into blips)
I will bump this feature, simply because I want it myself!
It would be nice to just “turn off the phone”, so to speak - and go into explore mode where you just interact with those you meet.
How should it work?
disable messages [= <Reply message>]
disable messages = His phone seems to be turned off. He is probably out exploring.
And to renable:
enable messages
And I imagine the following behavior for disabled messages:
disable status is handled and stored server side
no messages will arrive to the client while disabled
when others send a message, they will get the stated reply message, or a default message: : “The message couldn’t be delivered.”
when trying to send messages yourself, you will give an error that messages has been disabled
the disable status is reset (to enabled) once you fall asleep.
there is no whitelisting of allowed characters (for starters at least)
That would kind of cover my need, but not sure if that is the general need.
Passive aggressive? Isn’t that due to the option of blocking some but not all?
My idea here is to make a less ‘aggressive’ one, that resets with everyone being blocked. And I also meant to include your own outgoing messages in the block, to prevent players for messaging others without allowing them the option to reply.
And this will not block mail. But it will make a clear signal that you don’t want to be bothered.
If possible, it would be helpful if the client would remember your last message and reuse it if you don’t provide one. Enter an empty message to clear it and use default.
I agree, if a user disables messages it should indeed disable outgoing as well with the error ‘Unable to send, you have disabled messaging’ or similar. I have been in a position where a user was messaging me but I was unable to send a message back because it was blocked and when I was finally able to explain that fact to them they claimed ignorance… With outgoing messages blocked, it would reduce that problem.
Sounds like a great idea. It’d be immensely useful at times when you’re prolonged afk but still want to keep an eye on things and people message you instead of mailing so you have to scroll back all the logs (guess who came to the park recently, said her helloes, and then went on a hike ooc).