[Feature] Morph Messages

An idea that I came across recently is the ability to basically morph to another profile with a pose (or any other public message would work). I know that MUCKs’ version of profile morphs are accompanied with a pre-defined message, and I’m not suggesting that here, though it could be fun too. I’m thinking more like typing

profile costume=:puts on his Halloween costume.

and having the resulting event be the pose

Xetem puts on his Halloween costume.

along with switching into the costume profile in the same command. Command formatting would be the same as any other whisper, address, message or whatever, defaulting to a say equivalent and modifying to a pose, ooc, or both like normal.

It’s obviously not any huge or life changing QoL feature, but there’s been more than a couple of times I pose a profile change then forget to actually follow up with changing my profile, especially if I have another character’s profile open to view. So to be able to compound the profile change with the relevant message will help keep the two tied together for what I would think is an ever so slightly more immersive roleplaying experience, as being able to tie actual game-action to the ones you describe in a pose I think would be very immersive.

((Also total aside, I don’t know if something was changed with the default text highlighting for code blocks but it’s kind of awesome, makes it look actually similar to in-game))


I like this one, and I know a lot of folks would find a hell of a lot of use cases too.

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The predefined messages would often lead me to qmorph to morph silently. I wonder if teleport could also be used to fit with a format like this. Sleep has it already, hah.

Also, the accompanying pose should have the ‘profile’ tag above it like teleport or sleep, to let people know it was a profile command. :slight_smile:


I think this sounds simple and nice.
I don’t think we should make any new backend feature for it, but just extend the profile command to optionally allow a pose message. If a pose is used, the result would be two calls to the backend: One to change profile. One to make the pose.

But question; should be assume a pose, or could it be a “say” if we don’t include the pose (:) modifier? I mean. Should it be:

profile <Keyword> [= <Message>]


profile <Keyword> [=[:][>] <Message>]

I think it makes sense if it’s only a pose, but retains the same syntax (i.e. you have to type =: and = is not supported.

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I think retaining the same syntax as everywhere else is good for consistency. I also don’t know if anyone would want to change profiles in a say command, but having it as an option isn’t a bad thing :grin: (assuming it’s not too much extra work)