[Feature-Mobile] Message Information

Maybe just a comfort request from me, but the idea is here that if possible to add a similar system as the ‘tappable’ tags (I don’t know the exact term) for messages sent. That is when you tap on a senders name in the mobile version to get the relevant information, I.E. the senders full name, time and date, etc. And if making the name ‘tappable’ could cause issues it could be an option in the drop down menu for the text labeled ‘More Information’ or such, where a text box would appear upon choosing said option showing the relevant information.

PS. I gave a quick look around and didn’t find this suggested anywhere but if this is an accidental repeat post please inform me and ill will take it down :slight_smile:.

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That is indeed something we should add.

Since the mobile layout came later on in development, all parts of the GUI is still not adapted to it.
I will add it as a ticket for mobile improvement.

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If it’s a part of the public repo I could maybe take a look at it.

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Since it is client-side, it is indeed part of the repo!

I’ve added an issue for it, and included as much of the relevant info I have:

So, if you wish to take a look, feel free! :smiley: