I know this isn’t really one of the original goals, but it’s becoming clear that there are individuals attempting to use Wolfery in a mobile-first or mobile-only use case, and mobile being what it is, this means there are frequent disconnections. For those using Wolfery like this, it’s not immediately obvious what the implications are unless their screen sleeps for sufficiently long that they’re sent home and have to travel back to the park.
For others present, however, this is beginning to turn Station Park into The Reconnection Show.
There are some obvious benefits to immediately reacting to a closed websocket for a desktop client; someone closing their browser tab can be as elegantly and swiftly handled as someone closing a Mu* client. In the mobile milieu, however, people tend not to treat browsers the same way as the desktop, and likely can’t, if they want to preserve their battery life. I’m not familiar with what options are available from a web application standpoint, I’m afraid, so I have nothing concrete to suggest, but it might be helpful if there were a way to detect mobile users and attempt to distinguish between closing a tab and another event severing the web socket. . . ?