Allow a rollup to hide location image if people want more real estate on the right hand sidebar.
It is in my todo. The only reason why it isn’t done yet is because I simply didn’t know where to put the caret.
Should it be on top to the right?
That could work for Room Info, but would currently collide with the Sleep-button for the image in Character Info (for your own controlled character).
Maybe I should move the sleep-button and align it to the left instead?
Suggestions are welcome!
Best regards,
From a ‘standards’ viewpoint, having the collapse button on the top right is the right move. Sleep button can probably be moved without much confusion for existing users.
Yes, probably. But that means that we will always have a “tool”-row (the one with edit-buttons and such). When currently looking at someone, it looks like this:
Or maybe I can just put the image in a Image section?
Doesn’t look as good when you have the edit-tool button above. But it would at least be easy to understand.