Alina asked the following in game:
I’ve tended to be mostly using Wolfery late in the evening, and when night mode is active (I’m using flux, but the OS’s built in night mode applies too) and the screen’s color temperature is shifted heavily towards red, in the 2500k color temperature range or lower, it becomes extremely difficult to tell the difference between wanted and unwanted tags in a profile, as well as the checkbox that toggles between off, wanted, and unwanted. There is still a very small color difference in the lines and text, but it is hard to see at a glance, and my experience with graphic design has taught me that people with reduced color vision find differences in thin line and text coloration to be difficult or impossible to distinguish. Giving unwanted tags either an inverted color scheme, like a red background and blue text, or some kind of different background fill like hazard stripes, would be one way to improve it.
Now, I don’t use Flux myself, so I can’t really try it out as easily.
Any suggestion (maybe with some attached css ) on how we can make like/dislike tags more distinct, while still keeping both of them fairly similarly weighted, not making one type not stand out much more than the other?