One thing that has been brought to my attention is that when a log is exported to an HTML document, any muted messages, both travel and character mutes, are unfolded into unmuted text. It could be useful, at least for character mutes, to keep said mutes as the little pills in the export, or even allow the exporter to configure which muted message types are kept as pills or unrolled.
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Yes, I can totally see why you would want that.
The reason for the current behavior is that I have tried to keep the exported HTML javascript free - and pills currently uses javascript.
But would an option to excluded muted messages on export:
☐ Exclude muted messages
be a valid solution? It would also be a super-simple solution to implement.
Ah yea, I can see wanting to avoid JS for an export. I think that that’s a valid option. It keeps the unwanted messages out of the export and that’s really what seem to be missing.
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