So and idea was spurred this morning chatting with folks. A Shout feature!
Similar to the 'glass door’s currently used, this would allow a user to give a call-out to an adjacent room, and would probably need to be a room toggleable option, but I can see use cases for this in roleplay scenarios.
Eg, hosting an event, so on, calling out to friends without having to leave a room, making an announcement to the current and adjacent spaces for an event, yelling in a maze, etc
For example.
User1, in eastern field. Spots Users 2 & 3 in western field.
roomname/direction/etc= Hey! Campfire is lit!
Which would receive the the adjacent room and current room as
Current room:
User1 shouts “Hey! Campfire is lit!”
Targeted room:
User1 shouts from Eastern field “Hey! Campfire is lit!”
Perhaps it’s purely a context appropriate thing to add, and obviously situational, but sometimes the devil is in the details and it’s something for immersion and such, like calling out from an adjacent room if a “Allow Shouts” tag or something exists for that room.
…Or sitting in a room opposite a bar when suddenly-
User1 shouts from the bar “What did you say about my mother?”
Hey, roleplay opportunities! I’m all for that, but I digress, to stop it being abused it would probably want a room flag, ha!
Snrks Anyways, that’s the idea. Food for thought! Discuss?