[Feature Idea] Shouting!

So and idea was spurred this morning chatting with folks. A Shout feature!

Similar to the 'glass door’s currently used, this would allow a user to give a call-out to an adjacent room, and would probably need to be a room toggleable option, but I can see use cases for this in roleplay scenarios.

Eg, hosting an event, so on, calling out to friends without having to leave a room, making an announcement to the current and adjacent spaces for an event, yelling in a maze, etc :stuck_out_tongue:

For example.

User1, in eastern field. Spots Users 2 & 3 in western field.

shout roomname/direction/etc= Hey! Campfire is lit!

Which would receive the the adjacent room and current room as

Current room:

User1 shouts “Hey! Campfire is lit!”

Targeted room:

User1 shouts from Eastern field “Hey! Campfire is lit!”

Perhaps it’s purely a context appropriate thing to add, and obviously situational, but sometimes the devil is in the details and it’s something for immersion and such, like calling out from an adjacent room if a “Allow Shouts” tag or something exists for that room.

…Or sitting in a room opposite a bar when suddenly-

User1 shouts from the bar “What did you say about my mother?”

Hey, roleplay opportunities! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m all for that, but I digress, to stop it being abused it would probably want a room flag, ha!

Snrks Anyways, that’s the idea. Food for thought! Discuss?


This can also be achieved using the current systems by simply having a room encompass a role play space in which shouting between users is logical. A room could be a literal room, but also a huge open field, or even an entire coliseum! Heck, even a busy night club is a good opportunity for a character to need to shout to be heard. One way to do this is to pose about shouting, then spoof what you shout. n_n I’m not suggesting this for or against the feature. But I would consider weighing mechanical immersion versus narrative immersion for those involved, including potential spectators.


I could see what you mean by a room being a big space like that but I could see the shout feature being interesting for things like the lighthouse cliff and the beach, even the Sinder Lane and Center could possibly benefit from that feature.

I see what you mean though as well about the regular poses though, like for example the foxhole lounge could just be a regular pose if it’s from the bar to a couch but it could also be utilized for the pillow room or someone yelling from the kitchen to ask what someone in the lounge wants ^^

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Probably in the venue of what scripting will be able to accomplish. But… the prospect of scripts are exciting. :slight_smile:

Shouting could be an area setting and propagate within the area.


This, yes. One room may be a big area with many folks, but thinking longer term and larger events, say, a gathering, festival, fair, what you will. There may be distinct “sub rooms” or places intentionally divided into extra spaces.

Consider a carnival, with a central space and a separate attraction in each cardinal direction. A Shout given from the central space could be used to get the attention of folks in other areas without needing to message or move to each other area individually and make a pose. Like someone standing on stage with a megaphone :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, I would recommend it be room/area specific for obvious reasons, but certainly I think there are many use cases for a feature like this to be, well, useful.


I could see this working especially for houses and the like, you’re not going to make a house one entire room…probably, so it’d be nice to be able to shout from the living room either to just a neighboring room like the kitchen or an upstairs room.

If the shout feature is by exits then of course you’d need several hidden exits to shout to every room of a house but at least the option is still there if you want to take the time to set up the exits.

Messaging can only go so far though when dealing with other rooms, you can message four other people before it’s limited, now a shout/pose would be able to be seen by everyone without being limited.

As Isiat said, it’d be great for gatherings and large events, If you try to message everyone, then you have to remember each person’s name ((if the exits aren’t transparent)), write/message four of them, and repeat for the number of people at the gathering. Or you could go through each room, send a quick pose to gather at the center, and then continue until you’ve alerted everyone.

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The more I think about it, the more I like this idea. You can set clear boundaries, you can have a long cooldown between shouts, it makes very good sense from the RP perspective. And you can get bonked if you abuse it.


This is about to be a premium feature :skull:

Why’d that be a concern? Acci often adds new and experimental stuffs to the supporters, becasue there’s just less of them and they are more motivated to try stuffs out.

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I do consider Supporters as premium

Necro-Acci, bringing great topics he has missed!

Shouting would be a nice RP addition, yes!
Reading from all the ideas, I would suggest this:

  • exits may, in addition to transparent, be set as isAudible (Eeeeh… I can’t find a good translation for the word lyhört, which means you can easily hear what goes on in the other room/apartment/etc.)
  • add a new command shout <Message>
  • When shout is used, the message is shown in the room, but also target rooms of any isAudible exit.

A few question remains in my head though

OOC shouts
I would say No to OOC shouts, but to allow ((ooc)) formatting.

Posed shouts
Should we allow poses as shouts?

shout :whacks the big gong gong with the hammer.

I would say No to that one too. This is because of how it would be difficult to pose considering how we want a standard message layout that tells where the shout comes from. See below.

Message layout

What should the shouted message look like for those in neighbour rooms?

Suggestion 1

<User name> shouts from <Room name>, “<Message>

Using <Room name> can be problematic as it might not be suitable. Take The Beach for example:

Accipiter shouts from The Beach, “Shark!”

So, maybe isAudible exits should also have a source name, so you per exit can choose what the source of that shout will be called?

For the current room, the shout would just be like say, but with the word “shout” instead of “say”, and maybe some other type of styling to make it more … bold?

Solution 2

Skip layout, and instead use a label:

This would make it possible to allow shout poses as well, if that is something we want.

Those were my thoughts.


I like @Shinyuu’s idea of making shouts an area feature. Potentially with a list of characters who can shout (e.g. staff, a puppet), or allowing anyone to do it.

Audibility sounds like a separate feature for rooms that can be listened to from other rooms (which is a privacy concern, should be highlighted like any listens, but can make sense and be useful RP-wise).

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