[Feature] Default leave/arrive/travel messages

For builds which have a large number of exits in a single room, or repeated transition messages it quickly becomes tedious to copy paste these messages between a large number of exits.

Instead of repeating similar exits where the chance for user error may cause slight changes if not copy pasted between each exit, I would like an ability to set default transition messages for an area or room. As an example my area has 21 different rooms, each leading in a line from 1 -> 21. They all need to have the same message to go backwards in this line ie: room 16 -> room 15.

As a change I would like to set an area attribute, default leave, default arrive, default travel. If an exit within the area does not have a value for leave, arrive or travel messages it will inherit and use the default values for the area. Would also be nice to have it again but for rooms, and finally have it for specific exits. IE: An area has set leave/arrive and travel messages. A room in this area also has these attributes except for a arrive attribute. This room has an exit.

The Travel message is set for the exit and will use that text that is set for it.
The leave value is blank. When someone leaves it will attempt to use the leave value for the exit, but as it is blank, it will then use the room’s leave message.
The arrive value is blank. When someone leaves it will do the same as above but as the rooms arrive value is blank, will then use the area’s arrive value. If all three are blank, then it will use a generic message.

I also would love to be able to use variables in the default text too! The most useful that comes to mind is being able to use “exitname” in the messages. Although just having the simple values for empty travel messages would be such a help on its own.

That’s a super helpful idea and something @farcaller did for me in the room manager software – I find it extremely handy to have those reasonable defaults in place. Maybe I should poke him to write a manual on how the general public could use it hm.

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This would be nice. BUT, short of this high amount of area customization (this is one of many area tweaks that need added sometime, including inheritance of rules/info and other checkboxes owners/managers should have at their disposal) we should be looking to address this default travel text on a realm scale actually.

Currently they say nothing more than leaves arrives travels.

A better default would be “leaves toward %destination_room_name.” “arrives from %room_name.” “travels toward %destination_room_name.”

There will still be issues where the room name isn’t appropriate for the formatting, but it would at least communicate a better amount of baseline information.


With this more global fix in place, then any undefined exits everywhere will have a better amount of information available upon creation, more in line with our baseline expectations as a build team.


To be extra clear on design intention, I’m suggesting that the exit not be dynamically capable of stating the new room name any time its called for unless the area has a unique definition for undefined exits or the exit has a clearly defined custom travel message.