[Feature] Copying/Exporting Profile Tags/Custom Tags

Just simple quality of life thing I ran into just now. I was creating a new character to use and wanted to have pretty much the same tags I already have on another character. Having a way to copy the tag list to export it from one character and then import it onto another would be super useful in my opinion. Especially so if people have custom tags written out. That saves a lot of hassle of having to type it all out again.



More thread revival of Necro-Acci!

Yes. That would be nice.
GUI wise, how would we do it? Maybe an icon by the Tags title that opens a dialog where you can select one of your existing characters to clone from?



Boss, this post is barely a month old. That is HARDLY necro-ing a post! :stuck_out_tongue:

But necromancy is much easier if they aren’t totally dead. Or… wait…

I think that would work perfect :open_mouth: