Something I got very used to on F-Chat: Being able to click on a name in the main output log to open the character’s profile. Same as clicking on them in the user list or the room list. If nothing is planned for this already, this would be a nice convenience feature.
This can already be done by clicking on the character in the room list, if they’re visible. If it were chat-linked it would permit you to look at them even if they weren’t there, which I don’t think would be intended behavior. Unless it just performed a check to let you click it only if they were there and visible.
Yeah, I called that out. Clicking on someone in the room list is fine, but there’s a distinct convenience to being able to react to “Temporary has entered.” and being able to click on the name instead of fishing for it in the room interface, especially if the room list is long or the window is small.
I didn’t realize that characters not present are “hidden” from “view” at first, but I see what you’re getting at there. Not sure how costly an “are they here” check would be.
Probably not very! I do like the idea of it.
I’m a fan of the idea.
Being able to left or right click interact with a name in the official buffer in order to pull up context sensitive tools would definitely be nice for future dev.
Left click for Look
LMB-Hold/Swipe for context wheel of options until released favorably a direction?
RMB for toggle variant of context wheel which stays until next click somewhere?
Context Examples:
• Look
• Whisper/Page/Mail
• Watch
• Summon/Ride/Hand-up/Follow
• (Cinfo / Prefs Page to be determined?)
I don’t mind typing commands, but sometimes having little gestures that can fill in some things is nice to have.
Great ideas, @Mirrdae!
You are correct. Or rather, it would make you think you can do it. You can’t
The server enforces that:
- You can only look at characters in the same room
- You can only look at one character at a time
- You only get updates on appearance changes while being in the same room
I will sort the room list with most recently entered at the top. Also, I want to have a button that you can by the In Room list which can make the list take up the full panel (more room!).
I like it! And to the context, you should also add Report.
All in all, these are very good thoughts!
Since it is “convenience” things that requires quite a bit of effort, it will not be that high priority.
But eventually I want to provide these things.
Probably I can look at it when I do the Report functionality.