Feature: Character RP Status Indicator

One critical issue I think we’re running into is that we often have users who are eager to roleplay but are put into a position where they can only guess when other people are interested in roleplaying in the first place. There’s few things are frustrating as putting effort into a post only to get a ‘meh’ level response from a person who really isn’t feeling it.

I think we can address this pretty readily however.

What I’d like for us to consider doing is adding another small block of text or a status indicator with hover/click text which properly conveys if somebody is seeking roleplay currently or not - rather than being left to assume that every online character is currently seeking roleplay.

Status would start as neutral indicator/no indicator which is unclear, but could be assigned to:

☼ IC
►► Looking: Impromptu
►► Looking: Open to Ideas
►► Looking: (with or without custom text)
►► In Scene: Ask Privately to Join
►► In Scene: Public Participation Welcome
►► In Scene: Preoccupied/Busy
►► Just Chatting
►► Planning/Plotting: (with or without custom text)

There is room for more ideas, but we do want to try to keep these somewhat general unless people want to type a custom short blurb (such as see about or whatever seems best.)

Ideally we’d find some color dot indicators to represent a short-form of any of these status types while allowing people to hover/click text for additional info when they see a status indicator they’re looking for on somebody.

These would display in Awake List and Room List and possibly also as an expanded section in the character info and about character panel/panels/modals.


I love the idea of this!

On the subject, too, I’d love for something that just allows us to have pre-described scenes on our characters. I hate having to redescribe what’s going on each time someone joins into the area to keep their interest / to explain what the situation is so that they can comfortably join. So, maybe an optional part to describe what scene you’re in with the “In Scene” options?

Even if that doesn’t go through, I love the plan already here and think it’ll help out immensely.

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You can already! ^^
Collapse tag in your about character section.

[[Scene Idea: Pancakes]]{Our characters, playing footsy under the diner table while eating pancakes or alternatively, taking over the world together.}

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Fair! I’ve never been sure how much people check that part to start with, but I suppose it probably works.

Oh, gotta find them in the awake list, or scroll down on their character info if you’re looking at them in the same room. ^^

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You might also be interested in this feature request: Is it possible to add a feature that shows what the character is doing

It sounds pretty similar to what you’re describing.

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