It looks like is only happy with Origin: I can somewhat understand why it’s useful for prod, but can we have some relaxed rules for the test server? Or at least allow in some localhost traffic like Origin: http://localhost:2421?
I’ve been poking the api with flutter and it’s really annoying that I have to build the desktop app every time because flutter-web sends the origin I can’t control.
I did block certain calls from “unsafe origins” (meaning, clients not under direct control of Mucklet (a.k.a. me)) to reduce the risk of anyone stealing other player’s password with a custom client.
That affects calls such as:
registering a new account
changing password
password login… oh! Yeah. That is the one you need to use. I understand now.
Okay. I need to consider how to make it easier for you to use password login when developing custom client code.
But to change this behavior requires a server update rather than just some edited config. So it is nothing I can change right now. Sorry.