[feature] can we have ipv6 on the api ep?

RIPE suggests a lot of things.

A looooooot of things.

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One might say they are RIPE with suggestions.

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Let’s just say I’ve had to sit through enough talks at NANOG where This One Guy From RIPE (and a large EU telecom) tells every presenter they’re doing everything wrong. >.>

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Well, for what it is worth; Inleed (the host of the VPS that Wolfery uses at the moment) says they provide /64-IPv6 for their VPS services.

Hetzner is the one I use currently. You get a /64 by default assigned to the host, and for a one time fee of 15 euros, you get a /56 prefix assigned.

Thanks, I didn’t know they offered /56! Gonna have a fun weekend.

look, it’s already so much more fun than I anticipated


Heh. Is that in response to your request for a prefix delegation? And I have had very good experience with Hetzner myself; they are prompt and efficient with hardware problems.

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Figured I’ll grab a new box off the auction for ipv6 tinkering, just my luck :slight_smile: I’ve been their customer on and off for almost 15 years now, they are indeed very good as long as you get your hands dirty (and you can tolerate some insane java kvm with the German keyboard layout).