[Feature] Actions

I love hiding Easter eggs in my builds with hidden exits and etc, and I know I’m not the only one. Relatively recently, a friend blew my mind by looping a exit to the same origin room to deliver some text to the player and those around via the Arrive and Leave Exit messages while keeping the player in the same room.

I was thinking if we had a feature designed specifically like that for rooms to show actions, without it being a full exit (by not requiring a destination room) but by typing the required text it would display text that only the player could see and a separate text to those in the room witnessing the action. To help further make it a separate feature the commands required could be like those in a traditional adventure style game like “pull, push, open, close, look, etc.”.

For example, there might be a chest in the room description, but instead of typing “go chest” (to try and interact with it), the player could type “open chest” and have an message displayed for them as to what happened when they tried to open it and a message showing the other players in the room see as what has been done.

I hope I explained my idea clear enough. Let me know what y’all think.

A couple of examples of this idea using the current exit system can be found in Joystix Arcade’s Bathroom stall “go peek” and Staff Only room “Go Monitor”.


That sounds extremely useful, but I think acci should better deliver the golden calf of scripting so that we could have this and many more.


Yeah, I believe I saw in a post from acci that he was making a scripting system in lua that may or may not enable this functionality, either way I am very much looking forward to the time that this is implemented.

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I am totally interested, But I’d rather want some kind of css or java ‘system’, things that you can use to decorate wolfery’s Interface (or make buttons or actions that do said qualities). Something like The huge amount of comics based on homestuck or the original itself, change background colors, put images outside the margins, my most huge dream- :dizzy:

Maybe I explain it wrong or ask for a lot, but I love everything that is literally a work area sandbox xP

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Personally, I enjoy some limitations because I feel it helps me be more creative working within those limits to accomplish what I want to convey or helps lead me to a solution that I may have not thought about to begin with. I don’t wanna reinvent the wheel, I’m just suggesting a way to clarify or simplify something that folks can already do to some degree in the game.