I would like to know, if it doesn’t already exist, to turn off whether you are idle or not.
What I mean, specifically, in the global list, could there be a way to prevent your name from turning yellow or red, or even keeping it at a specific colour? (Whether white, yellow or red)
So perhaps the command would be idle true/false
so idle would be the command, true or false (on or off) would indicate if you’d like to enable or disable. (Hey even those two could work, it all depends on preference) And then possible a timer if one wants for how long they’d like to show as idling or not, whether in minutes or hours.
It can reset on login?
The timer doesn’t necessarily need to be implemented, it was just a thought I had while typing this.
It’s currently possible to set yourself as away - ‘help away’ on game for the details - and, of course, you can set yourself active again by putting in a command.
I’m not sure I understand the reason why you’d like to be able to set yourself permanently un-idle, though. I’ve never met someone who can actually control when RL comes to interrupt them, and the idle/away colors are helpful to let other people know when that might have happened.
So say you are in a room and you don’t want to be disturbed. You just set yourself to Away or something, it shows you as red, but you can still chat in the room without triggering un-idle event.
An example could be, you are in the park, you are busy with RL work, and every now and then you throw a comment and go back to work, but you are still set as away until you enter a command that you arent.