A possible feature to add is when you aren’t scrolled all the way down, some form of notification that there is a new message. Possibly as simple as a little highlighted bold line appearing just above the character names where you type.
Welcome to the forum!
And being the very first poster as well!
I fully agree! The counter should increase when:
- Not scrolled to the bottom
- When tab is not active when controlling more than one character
Something like this?
That could work! But you wouldn’t want to count every single message. Maybe set it to a limit then add a +. If I remember correctly googlePlus or hangouts reaches 2 or 3 then displays 3+ from then on. (But you don’t need to go that low, haha)
True. The counter should not only be single-digit and then show +.
I also think the counter should turn orange (the “warning color”) if any of the messages are:
- mentions (someone mentioned your character’s name)
- targetted (some targetted you character in a whisper/message/summon/etc)
Oh that is a good idea! Something eye catching to let you know someone had directed something to them. Great thinking!
Now this feature is also implemented
Check it out to see if it works as expected.
It is as discussed above, with the exception that it will not turn orange on someone mentioning your name - only on directed messages.
Best regards,