Enter on fullstops

Hey all, I have been recently having a bug on chrome-mobile.

It involves the string Ico writes, Enter being appended to my sentence when I press fullstop.

So for example I may send this:
Ico writes, “I get this bug on wolfery.Enter”

I wandered back on over to the forums to document the bug and see if anyone else had the same issue.

The glitch/bug is a bit hit and miss. If it has happened once already in a sentence(regardless of deleting it) it won’t happen for that sentence again.

Also, sometimes (about 25% of the time) it won’t happen at all.

If anyone has any questions or possible solutions please let me know. Yes I have spoken to @Accipiter about this as well ^w^.


This has been affecting me as well.

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Thanks, lovely to know I am not the only one ^w^. Are you using mobile as well?

Also experiencing this on Android Chrome since Release v1.41.0. It seems to have replaced the even more annoying bug where it would just repeatedly spam the words I was trying to type all over the command input.

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Thanks for putting it here, @IcoTwilight!

I have failed to replicate it on my own Android device. Maybe I have the wrong android keyboard settings?

The bug was introduced by me upgrading from CodeMirror packages from v0.19.x to v6.x.x (different packages have slightly different versions). I have tried to find any reference to the bug in CodeMirror’s forum and on StackOverflow, without success.

I might just have to try to track down the bug myself. Or maybe write my own library for parsed/color coded input… :thinking:

If someone can provide the exact steps to replicate the bug, please do!

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Omg, I had that too. And I found a way to replicate the spamming words in V1.40.0.

It would happen when using a 3 or less letter command and type a word that gets hyphenated automatically straight after:
ooc cant becomes ooc can't

I am not 100% sure if this would help with the new big, but if this replaces it then It might be useful.

There’s not really any steps to replicate it other than typing a command (I’ve replicated it with say, pose and ooc, but it probably effects more than that) that has a . anywhere but the first character of the sentence.

Here’s a video of it happening: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

It happens to me probably 99% of the time I type a . so I’m sure it’s one of those strange issues that only effect a small portion of devices, otherwise everybody would be complaining about this.

Phone: Poco X3 NFC
Android version: 10 QKQ1.200512.002
Browser: Chrome 106.0.5249.126
Keyboard: Gboard

Probably went a little excessive on the device details there, but let me know if there’s anything more useful I could provide to help you debug it.

EDIT: Out of curiosity I tried switching from Gboard to SwiftKey and the issue seemed to disappear. I’d be surprised if the problem was Gboard itself though, considering it’s one of the most popular keyboards.

Thanks for your detailed explaination, including a video clip! (like a developer’s dream :grin:)
It is undoubtly something caused by CodeMirror, somehow in combination with the mobile keyboard.

I just tried downloading Gboard, using it instead of Samsung keyboard. And BOOM! Replicated.
Neat! Now I can work on it! :smiley:


The bug seems to appear in combination with the placeholder extension for CodeMirror.
The Enter word that appears is actually the first word of the placeholder text:

Enter your command (or type help)

A bug issue has been made to the CodeMirror repository.

I will try to make some workaround that deactivates the placeholder when Gboard is detected.

Oh, well if it’s a connection to CodeMirror placeholders, that does remind me of something probably related. On Firefox mobile, typing will just stop working, and when trying to backspace, it will start deleting the placeholder (or at least the keyboard suggestions imply that’s what’s being deleted). I’ll try and get a screencap sometime to explain the behavior better.

Same with Safari, but I’d have thought cm6 fixed that.