I have known that if you hit enter
it sends your message and if you use shift+enter
it creates a new line.
Now earlier today it was working but for some reason I see the mobile send button that looks like a little paperplane and using enter
merely creates a new line for me now.
Did I perhaps press a wrong button? Maybe there was an update? I am not sure yet.
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I have just been given the URL https://wolfery.com/?console.mode=keyboard which seems to have resolved the symptom, but I have to wonder what was the cause.
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No worries!
That type of console interface is meant for mobile users without a physical keyboard.
Unfortunately there are no fail-safe way to detect the existance of a physical keyboard. Instead I rely on detecting if you have a touch screen - or rather if you have (pointer: coarse)
which often indicates a touch screen.
So, maybe you’ve installed some sort of pointer device that triggered it? Maybe a new screen with touch capabilities?
Anyway. As you’ve been informed, you can change the behavior with:
You can also trigger this behavior if you activate the “Device toolbar” in the browser’s dev tools:
Oh, my greatness! This does make a bit more sense.
I’ve been using a temporary laptop for the last week and a bit. And it is indeed a touch-screen laptop.
And! Today I was experimenting with a browser cursor automation extension for Chrome. (Which I have hopefully removed now since it didn’t do what I wanted it to do)
The pieces are falling into place. Now, I just need to see how I can fool Wolfery into thinking I have a keyboard and not a touchscreen, hehe.
Thank you for the swift response!
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