None of the last three exits with an entrance icon specify a direction. Which of those three goes with which of the three in the navigation ring?
I’m guessing you could either provide popup text, or highlight the corresponding exit when you hover over one of the buttons or something…? Popup text seems to become sticky every so often, at least in Firefox, so I’m a little wary of that.
I’ve gotten similar feedback from other directions too.
For starters, I will add a simple built in hover tooltip. It won’t work with mobile, but at least be a low effort way to partly solve the issue on desktop.
But I am currently experimenting with using the center of the navigation wheel to show all available exits:
I can’t get it to do it now (naturally), but I’ll see if I can spot a pattern. At the moment, a lot of what I seem to remember used to be stuff that popped up on hover (further details at the start of a line from a player) appears to be click to toggle now. Mute lozenges still pop up on hover, though, and I remember running into it there. Not consistently. I’ll let you know if I can figure out a way to reproduce it consistently.
I wonder if that’s that 22 year old bug that just got fixed by a 23 year old developer? (It was some crazy headline like that) I’m pretty sure that was related to a similar type of issue too.
Oh! But yes. It might be a bug that was fixed by me unintentionally, when I rewrote parts of the popup tooltip code recently.
The tooltips used for chat log for messages and muted pills should be less prone to bugs due to that rewrite. But tooltips that we show by info-icons uses different code, and might be more buggy.
But I promise you, the bug hasn’t been there for 22 years (yet)!