Drug Lab

Tits, Cock, Balls, Pussy. Even the mind of someone. have you ever wanted to change these features of your character or another in a more romantic scenario but not want to deal with magic and all its bs instead opt for a more scientific and cyberpunk option? well let me tell you… DRUGS ARE AWSOME! (and I want to make a Lab)

There are many places around Sinder where a drug lab would work. Mostly the southeast, near the dock or in the sewers. And I would make this drug lab (with mod approval) to give you everything you need for your pill popping adventures featuring a Chemist and his dumb henchwoman who loves to get high off her own supply.

That’s not a good fit for Sinder, but Umber Point is an area dedicated to less-legal activities. I would suggest asking the area owner for there if they’d like a drug lab.

I think there’s already a shop like this in the eisenhorn kingdom; maybe you could talk the owner about expanding it?