Double double quotation mark

I propose a minor fix, one that doesn’d do much and likely requires little work to implement.

Some people, including me, utilize both Pose and Say commands and, since one adds quotation marks and the other does not, sometimes make a small mistake of adding " at the end of Say command.

Example: write Say message" returns “message”". It gets a bit annoying at times.

A simple check that removes the second " would render this small problem non-existant

It does that for me, at least when I try it?

It does that if used on the phone and the phone corrects the straight quotes to the curly ones.

This seems to have been addressed here: [feature] trim the final double quote in says.

It may be possible that the quotes your keyboard is entering in isn’t the same ascii/unicode character as ", the double quote character in question, as you can see from your post, there are actually three different quote marks in your example: The slanted starting quote [image], the slanted ending quote [image ], and the neutral quote [image ]. Some keyboard languages and some operating systems are extremely dumb about which quote to use when (usually in trying to conform to the user’s language stylings), and it could be that the specific settings your device uses by default decide to use something other than Unicode character U+0022 (there’s a reference here on all the types of quotes if your curious).

Technical babble out of the way, could you possibly tell us a little about how you access Wolfery? Really just device type and language settings, as that may go to help fix this bug.

I use either a windows laptop with regular qwerty keyboard, English (US), or android phone with regular keyboard, as seen in the screenshot

Since this problem has already been addressed before, and definitely does not deserve two posts, I’m willing do drop it

Well this does seem to be a bug with the implementation. Does this affect both your laptop and your phone? Or just the phone?

I’ve also been experiencing the same thing on both Windows and Android and never knew it was supposed to be a feature that was implemented.

On both platforms say "hello" results in Alyx says, ""hello"" I’m pretty sure the quotes I’m typing and the quotes added by Wolfery are both U+0022


Just double-checked, the same thing on both devices.

I think it only removes the final extra quote if you open up with the ", i.e. use the say shortcut.

This is the intended behavior:

Command Result
say Hello Accipiter says, “Hello”
say Hello" Accipiter says, “Hello”"
say "Hello" Accipiter says, ““Hello””
"Hello Accipiter says, “Hello”
"Hello" Accipiter says, “Hello”

Trimming of the trailing quote-mark is only done when using the " alias, instead of using say command.
Which ones of the above is not behaving properly?

Ahhh that’s what it is. At least based of the original post, it’s that say Hello" doesn’t drop the end quote the same way that "Hello" does.

Based on this I can confirm everything is working as intended for me then.

I guess that makes this thread more of a feature request then - which I’d support because I can’t think of any reason people would actually want to be able to start or end their message with double-double quotes, as opposed to the amount of people who I see accidentally doing it.