Do'nezo Upgrades and Global Teleport

Wow! Do’nezo has received a global teleport node that can be accessed at any time by typing t donezo.

In addition, a new section off of the West Side has opened: the Harbor. The Harbor includes the Cup and Crown, a tavern where bar brawls are not only allowed but encouraged, and a couple of secret areas. Additionally, Konner Miles has updated The Oasis, accessible via the Desert to the East.

The area lore and rules have been updated to provide a clearer idea of what the zone is for. Come over and check it out!


It was nice to have you check out the oasis and I’m super excited to work with you for later updates!

I’m coming for the bar fights and the bar fights only.

Really though, I’m enjoying the writing of Do’nezo, so I’ll be coming around to see much more of it!


My character Ferent would love the bar fights. Hope to see you there IC with him! :facepunch: :laughing:

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The Silver Crescent, you mean?