Currency chart

Hi. I’m making this post because I feel there needs some kind of chart or something with all the different currencies around Wolfery. I feel it’d be a help rp wise and sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I was not sure.

We have SCAM, Gold, Sinderbucks, and Salagalan Credits.

Thank you. But I feel some in game way to see that would be nice. And this could be updated of a new area with a unique currency comes in. But I feel there’s another. Ask Keet!

you can’t really exchange one currency into the other one, though, so what’s the point? I know @IcoTwilight and @farcaller were looking into making the scam to sunderbucks exchange possible but I don’t think it ever happened.

Not like an exchange chart. Just something saying all the currency and where it’s used!

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Ah, I think that’s doable. I could add something like that in the Do’nezo bank.

Better than nothing I suppose

I’m open to any other ideas! What do you have in mind?

Eh. Just the chart in othet places. Like the park, library, or elsewhere it would either make sense or be useful. Or maybe a PDF even?

But how’s that useful in the Park?

So maybe new players will know? Idk? I think a PDF is the superior choice.

I don’t think the currencies play any significant role in this wotld, though. In fact, all but two are effectively roleplayed. I just don’t see why we’d want to make that aspect of the economy more promiment if it’s barely used.

Again, I’m happy to be convinced otherwise.