Creating PDF of the Help Topics

I have been copy-pasting the Help topics into doc files I could print off. I know some people have been getting annoyed by my new-ness of this. I played around with AI-roleplay and realized it was too expensive to keep up. However, I want to keep at this with Wolfery.

This is just a an idea so take it with a grain of salt but… Why not add a PDF or E-read thing for the help rules. This way for those like me could simply have it on the side to reffere to.

Again, I am new to this RP thing. I am very grateful for people tolerating me thus far. My background is with Bash Terminal on Linux and with Arduino via C++. While I am versed in programming I am not perfect. I am so used to error messages being spat out at me giving me the chance to fix my mistakes.

Side note
For you admin and mods out there? Your work here is much appreciated. Don’t let anyone tell ya otherwise. Its never easy to deal with angry people. The fact you keep everything so inviting should be considered an accomplishment.


Interesting idea! Might help some people.

New-ness? You mean for the old text MUCK crowd or?

And thanks. Knowing people appreciate our work does help. :slight_smile:

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Sorry it took me a while to get back with you. My sleep patterns were screwed up due to some life family issues. Things are clearing up though.

Newness is what I mean by being a newbie or otherwise new to roleplay. Also I am willing to edit the helpfiles into documents. Even PDF if I can get my computer to do it. I also think an extra helpfile should be added.

All the acronyms dealing with roleplay has been difficult for me to learn. Often putting me in awkward moments. Even feeling like I may have been ignored altogether. Which is no fault to the others. Here I am new to this and I can’t seem to catch on. I am sure this must be frustrating to some who have to deal with new people like me.

An additional glossery might be nice!

One thing to keep in mind that’s shocked me since we started here - I’m not sure if PDF is preferable over a webpage (or a forum topic) because the ‘new to RP’ portion of our userbase is much more mobile-based.