I would like there to be no maximum characters you can create. i currently have 5 and it wont let me create anymore. i would like them to remove the max character limit or at least extend it significantly, maybe to like 10.
As we move forward with development, we’ll look into suitability of expanding the character and connection limit and under what conditions to do so, but after discussion prior to launch, we decided the early limitations would be good for resolving a few potential problems, a couple of which are:
• Infinitely idle non-participant observation/logging/privacy abuse - we’re eager to allow users to have some privacy without users seeking omnipresence over the realm for the sake of information gathering/logging in all spaces. We felt that 5 characters was already more than a typical user can successfully act with on a good day anyhow.
Other services do cater to this sort of ability while utilizing more of a chat room angle and allowing users to spawn multiple chat clients for logging in as many as their devices can handle the overhead of, but we’re not sure its suitable to this one at this time.
• Name reservation without use - We’re not keen on users just grabbing tons of names with no intention to use them, and many of us have been around in MMORPG gaming long enough to see that problem in effect. For the time being, while users are establishing themselves on the site as its just launched, users should prioritize the names they deem most important or instead release them back into the wild accordingly for somebody else to utilize.
These stances may change in the future, but the limitations were discussed and implemented with matters like these in mind. The site developer would know best what his plans for the future are however - so who knows what we’ll see and when for exploring the idea of expanding this functionality further.
As a temporary (and perhaps insufficient-but-available) workaround: Character Profiles can be used to save the state of a character’s fields. With a clever name and character profiles, you could accomplish most of the goal of having additional characters recorded so you can copy/paste from those templates onto new characters when/if our limitations change.
I definitely agree that unlimited character slots - especially on a small but growing game! - have a lot of potential problems. (And I say this as someone who loves designing characters!) It’s way too easy to have a lot of characters mean a lot of names reserved without use or idling without real engagement.
I’ve seen other places take a “more characters over time” approach, often with a requirement that existing characters be “active” in some way to unlock new slots. It’s not a perfect answer by any means, but it can be a way to support players who want to explore new characters over time without opening the flood-gates. I’m sure there are other good ways as well!
Eh…unlocking slots via time is difficult.
The game only tracks total time, not active time. You don’t want to know how many hours some beta users have.
As the site creator, I can also mention that pioneers
, the ones who have been sticking around and supporting me and this project in its early alpha and beta stages, also have been rewarded a more generous character cap.
My plan is to also give similar benefits (including some additional perks) for those who wish to support this project. But I have yet to implement any such support system.
But the base character cap of 5 might be increased in the future as well, but that depends on.
Actually, that has changed. It can now also track active time (when the character name is white). My guess is that Chippy (C1-P1) is far in the lead there!
Now that is interesting. I need stats!!!
At least now that he’s up and running again