Click-off to Unfocus About Character Window

Like when viewing a character profile image, clicking outside the About Character window could close it instead of clicking the X or Close button.

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This would interrupt the functionality of looking at characters or having your character window open while navigating, typing, or using other functions of Wolfery.


There’s an extension that allows you to unlook people.

I think repliers are mistaking the Character Info panel for the About Character popup.

What I’d like and I think Crassus would like is to be able to click anywhere outside the popup that you get when clicking a user in the userlist on the left to close it.

That’s how most sites with such popups work (unless it’s an ad they want to force you to use) and it’s not like you can interact with the background anyway when About Character has focus.

That way you could just double-click down the global userlist on the left on those that looked interesting rather than moving your mouse back and forth to close it each time.

This could be useful for dismissing other popups if inadvertently clicked, e.g. Create New Character/Exit, but About Character is the most annoying.


On a desktop/laptop, you absolutely can. It’s just one of several handy windows available to have open, great for quick reference while writing something out.

No, we’re definitely talking about different things here.

When you have the Awake or Watch panel open, and you click on a name in that list and it pops up a lighter blue window in the center over everything. That one. Unfortunately they both have “Character” in the name, so I appreciate it is confusing.

Yep, now I know which menu you’re talking about.

I honestly don’t even open that one anymore. It’s too restricting on the rest of the display for me.


The same applies to the Notes popup, which I regularly click by accident because it is close to the closest part of the button that you can move to from the rest of the window. At least if there are no notes put in, it should accept a click-off.

Yes, this.

Not when a character is in a room, but the popup that appears when clicking on someone’s profile in the “Awake” panel.