Château de Louve opens its door for a party, Oct 1st

I’m happy to announce that the château will open its doors again on October 1st at 3pm UTC2022-10-01T15:00:00Z.

We’ll celebrate the new advancements in the pizzeria you all know and love, share some new wines, and throw a little birthday party for the town’s nosiest bard. There will be blackjack and flirty women.

Everyone’s invited. No formall attire requested. Come and have fun.

To get to the château from Sinder Park go to → Town Center → East to Sinder Crossing → North along Westside Road → North from Town: Riverwalk → The Château Walk → Château de Louve.

PS: October 1st provisional. Vote below.

What’s the best day for the party?
    • Monday
    • Thursday
    • Saturday

0 voters


I will try my best to be there! But no promises from myself. RL kicks my butt on weekends.

Sounds like hella fun! I hope to be there!

I will try to attend

The party’s on! Come join us at the château.