Character profile library

Hello there. I’d like to ask if there are plans for creating a library of all existing characters on Wolfery. A place where anyone could search and browse all available profiles.

I don’t think there should be any concerns for privacy, as all of this information is already open. The difference is that now you can’t read inactive character profiles.

Personally I would use it to ensure I don’t accidentally make a character similar to an already existing one that I’m not aware about. I can imagine some people using it to gather statistics for their projects.

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The site owner is a lot more keen on user privacy than to implement something like this. You have absolutely no idea what descriptions people do have available publicly or privately and I imagine the site owner intends to keep it that way. Innocent intentions or otherwise aside people can already choose to include information in their ‘about me’ section so if they don’t put something in there they don’t intend for you to have it at your fingertips.

If you want to see people’s descriptions you’ll have to find them out in public in the places they actually want to be rather than some catch all directory or (if you’re lucky) maybe they’ll have enough list profile in thier ‘about me’ if they want you to have access like that.


Yes, what @Jagrabbit said.

I have on purpose prevented access to profiles (current or stored) unless you have an awake character in the same room. This is controlled by the server, so it cannot be easily by-passed.

Both for the reason of privacy, as you may want to have secret descriptions and images. But also for the purpose to make it feel more “real” - you cannot see someone unless you see them.

However, I don’t mind having the client store profiles you’ve already seen. Maybe to allow a recall command:

recall Accipiter Nisus

… which would work like a look, but would just use the client storage to show you the last profile that you saw of that character.


I know when I go back to look at my exported logs and recall things that I did, I find it more difficult to enjoy because I don’t have any way to reference what a particular character looked like at the time. Perhaps a remember <name> command could dump at least the description into the logs?