Character panel on mobile

One of the recent updates had character panel removed for mobile (don’t know about pc version as I don’t use it) version when only one character is active.

While most users may find this change convenient as it frees some of very limited mobile screen area, I disagree.

On mobile when you open character or room panel, it takes all of your space and you don’t see if there are new messages. Reading a long character profile and closing it every minute to check if it’s your turn to write is inconvenient.

Furthermore, if someone sends you a direct message while you travel a few rooms without closing the panel, you can easily miss it, as the direct message gets drowned in a row of travel messages. You can swipe down every time you travel, but it’s inconvenient.

Yes, it can be solved by having more than one active character at a time, but I don’t think that it is a good solution that works well for everyone.

So I suggest making it togglable is settings menu.

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Trying to go through forum topics at the moment. And this is a good one!

Actually, you can activate the “desktop” layout on mobile browser, by going to:

(If you’ve installed it as a PWA (Progressive Web App), I guess it is trickier)

But I don’t think that is a great solution in your case.
Wouldn’t most of your issues be solved by allowing you to see the “unseen messages” counter, while having a Character/Room/Area panel open? Like this:

I sort of forgot that you can’t see this one on mobile if you had only one character awake.


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