When I mail characters that have mailed me recently, sometimes get a misleading “Character not found.” error.
The spelling is correct, I think they’ve switched profiles (and therefore active names). I assume this is the problem, anyway.
Can the mail routine be improved to search the player database for all the character names associated with each player before returning that error message?
The issue is that multiple profiles don’t matter in that situation. The name is the singular thing, that isn’t profile based and universal between all profiles. If they changed names, they changed it in general.
An option to support multi personality characters old be to actually allow different names for different profiles and set all possible names at all times active. But that would conflict with the initial premise of one name per character and is maybe a nightmare to program and/or out of Acci‘s vision.
I have actually considered limiting name to something like once a day (or maybe once a week?)
I think it should be okay to change name, as your character may develop over time.
But since name is used by the commands to identify characters, we cannot have frequent “profile” based name changes. So yes. I agree that some limit is a good idea.
I’m thinking that once a week is probably good enough. If people are incredibly hungry for a work around they can simply make an additional account to get the character slots they need or eventually support the site and keep it all on one account.
If people are clever with their names they can probably figure out a solution that allows them to be multiple people on a single character name