Character mailing


You can now send mail messages to characters even when they are asleep.

Sending mail is done by command.
Reading mail is done through the GUI.

Key features:

  • Send simple mail messages to any character
  • Counter indicator for unread messages
  • Messages can be read at any time (even when your character is asleep)
  • Messages are stored until deleted


The Realm panel has an envelope symbol for the Mail Inbox page:


The Mail Inbox panel shows a list of mail with most recent mail on top.

  • Clicking a mail expands it and marks it as read
  • Unread mail has a darker background color
  • Max 25 mail are shown on each page
  • Browsing older mail is done using the < > buttons.



The following command is added:

help mail

The command is added to the communicate help category:

help communicate